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CRT places high value on community outreach and social activities. These activities are an excellent opportunity to teach K-12 students and develop a sense of camaraderie.



Community Outreach

Engineering Carnival

Members hosted a rocket building booth the Engineering Challenges Carnival. PreK – 8th grade students constructed their very own rocket and launched them using a “ballista” type launcher.

Girl Scouts with SWE

CRT worked with the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) to teach girl scouts the basics of building and launching Alka-Seltzer rockets.



Social Activities


On September 4th CRT camped overnight at Roundup Lake Camping Grounds. Together, the team endured the harsh environment of no electronics and relying on imgaination games to stay entertained.

NASA Visit

On March 25th CRT will be visiting NASA Glenn Research Center. Various facilities will be toured as members get the opportunity 

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